The company LABYRINTHE PARIS manufactures and markets directly and indirectly worldwide jewelry and fashion accessories (non -exhaustive list), under the labyrinth brand.

Anxious to always better meet the expectations of its customers, Labyrinthe Paris wished to set up a distance sales site by internet accessible to the following address: (the "site"). The site has a selection of Labyrinth Paris products. Some products are not available for online sale; They are clearly identified on the site.

A detailed description of LabyrinThe Paris products is available during the individual visualization of each of them by browsing the site.

The conditions applicable to remote sales (whether through the trade site or by other means of distance selling such as email or telephone) are described in these general conditions of distance selling (hereinafter the "General Conditions of Distance Sale"). The use of the site is reserved for private and non -commercial use of consumers; It is the same with regard to other types of remote sales.

1 - Field of application

These general conditions of distance selling apply to all types of remote sales made by Labyrinth Paris (Sales on the site and other types of remote sales, such as by email or telephone via the Labyrinth Customer Relationship Service ). They are distinguished from the general conditions of sales in the store. Thank you for reading them carefully.

You (the "Customer") can buy the Labyrinth Paris products on the site which are sold there, only with a view to delivery under the following conditions:

The products are shipped by Labyrinth Paris from France, throughout Europe and in certain countries of the world, in particular: Saudi Arabia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, United States, Hong Kong Ras of China, India, Japan, Macao Ras of China, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan (Region) and Thailand and Thailand and Thailand and Thailand and Thailand and Thailand and Thailand . Customs formalities and payment methods (€ or USD or other currencies) may vary depending on the delivery location.

For more information, we invite you to contact the Labyrinth Paris customer relations service at the address This service will put you in touch with a Labyrinth Paris sales advisor.

These general conditions of distance selling can be modified at any time. The general remote sale conditions modified will take effect on the date of their posting on the site but do not affect orders placed before this date.

By ordering a Paris Labyrinth product on the site, you recognize, by checking a box provided for this purpose "I read and I accept the CGV of Labyrinth Paris", have read the general conditions of distance sale In force on the day of the order, before placing his order, and having accepted them without restriction, this acceptance being in no way conditioned by a handwritten signature on the part of the customer. For other types of distance selling, the acceptance of the order applies acceptance of these general conditions of distance selling.

2 - Identification of the seller

The Labyrinth Paris products sold on the site or according to the other distance selling terms described above are sold to you by the company Labyrinth Paris, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of € 30,000, registered in the Trade and Paris Commercial Register Under number 838 318 582, having its registered office at 231, rue Saint -Honoré - 75001 Paris - France.

3 - Orders

3.1 Order terms on the site

The Customer can place an order for Labyrinth Paris products remotely, depending on the following terms.

To be able to order on the site, it is advisable to create a customer account. When ordering, Labyrinth Paris will ask the Customer to fill out a form specifying certain compulsory fields so that Labyrinth Paris can take into account the selection of the customer.

In the event of prolonged inactivity when connection, it is possible that the selection of Labyrinth Paris products chosen and put in the customer's basket is no longer available. The customer will then be invited to resume his selection of Labyrinth Paris products from the start.

Before any final order, the customer will have the possibility of verifying the details of his order and his total price, and to correct any errors, before confirming this one.

Please note, any order leads to the obligation to pay. To permanently validate an order, it is necessary to click on the "Proceeding" button.

For any order placed on the site, a confirmation email will be sent to the Customer, mentioning their order number and the detail of the Labyrinth Paris products ordered, and containing the purchase invoice. All the steps necessary for the order are specified on the site.

Despite all the care that Labyrinth Paris brings to the presentation of Labyrinth Paris products on the site, Labyrinth Paris cannot guarantee that their real appearance corresponds exactly to their appearance on the screen. Labyrinth Paris cannot be held responsible for minor inaccuracies that could intervene.

The Customer has the possibility of obtaining additional information on the Labyrinth Paris products he wishes to order by contacting the customer relations service of Labyrinth Paris by email to the following address:

3.2 Limitations applied to all types of remote sales

To place an order, the Customer must be of age, have legal capacity, hold a bank card and wish to buy products for their delivery in one of the countries referred to in article 1, with regard to the site , Or in a country in which Labyrinth Paris accepts deliveries with regard to other types of distance selling.

Orders are accepted within the limits of available stocks and production faculties. Despite the vigilance of Labyrinth Paris, if all or part of the Labyrinth Paris products ordered are no longer available, Labyrinth Paris will inform the customer by email as soon as possible.

In the event of cancellation of the order for unavailability of all Labyrinth Paris ordered products, the customer's order will be canceled in full and Labyrinth Paris will reimburse all sums paid by the Customer (Prix des Products Labyrinth Paris and delivery costs if applicable) by credit on the bank card used by the Customer, and this within a maximum period of 14 days from the cancellation of the order

In the event of partial cancellation of the order for unavailability of some of the Labyrinth Paris products ordered, and unless the Customer wishes to cancel the entire order, the Customer will be delivered Labyrinth Paris products available within the agreed time. The balance of his order will be canceled and Labyrinth Paris will reimburse the sums paid by the Customer for Labyrinth Paris products unavailable and not delivered, by credit on the bank card used by the Customer, and this within a maximum of 14 days at from the partial cancellation of the order. In accordance with the provisions of article L. 121-11 of the Consumer Code, Labyrinth Paris reserves the right to refuse any order in the event of a legitimate reason, and in particular in the event of:

  • Total or partial non-payment of a previous order by the Customer;
  • Existing dispute with the customer;
  • Refusal to pay payment by bank card;
  • Order with an abnormal character, in particular in the event of an order for quantities and/or unusual amounts for a final consumer, namely:
  1. Any order of more than 6 products, within a limit of 3 references of identical products over a period of 30 days;
  2. Any order placed by the same person who could be considered as an illegal "collection" of products.

4 - Price on the site

The prices of LabyrinThe Paris products appearing on the site are indicated all taxes included, at the rate applicable on the day of the order. Labyrinth Paris can modify the prices indicated on the site, at any time and without notice. The modified prices will only be applied to new orders and not to orders that have already been placed.

The prices of LabyrinThe Paris products appearing on the site do not include delivery costs. They are calculated according to the delivery location informed by the customer. Our delivery policy can be changed depending on the period, Labyrinth Paris reserves this right. We are kind enough to consult our up -to -date delivery policy in France, Europe and internationally on our official website.

Labyrinth Paris pays the greatest attention to the accuracy of the prices on the site. However in the event of an error on his part, Labyrinth Paris reserves the right not to provide the products Labyrinth Paris, the price of which would be clearly wrong. In this case, Labyrinthe Paris will inform the Customer by email as soon as possible, will cancel the order concerned and will reimburse the price paid by the Customer by credit on the bank card used by the Customer, and this within a maximum period 14 days from the cancellation of the order.

5 - Conditions and means of payment

5.1 - Payment conditions

The provisions of article 1359 of the Civil Code are inapplicable for sales concluded remotely by Labyrinth Paris.

In the event that, for any reason whatsoever (opposition, refusal of the transmitter center, etc.), the speed of the sums due by the customer is impossible, the sale would be immediately resolved and the purchasing process immediately canceled by Labyrinth Paris.

5.2 - Payment by credit card or debit card or Apple Pay or Google Pay

We accept the following payment methods:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
All our payments are secure and achievable with a valid billing and delivery address.

The customer's purchase regulation can be made by credit card or debit card, subject to their acceptance and/or compatibility with our payment service.

To this end, when an order has placed by phone, the Customer confirms to the customer relations service and guarantees to Labyrinth Paris that he is personally holder of the bank card used for the payment of the order and that the name and surname appearing on This bank card are good. Then, the customer communicates, either by phone or on a secure website, the number, the expiration date as well as the visual cryptogram number appearing on his bank card, if necessary via a third -party platform sending a payment link .

After validation of bank details by the customer on the site, the latter accesses a secure server. The transaction is then carried out by the customer according to banking safety standards. Authentication is specific to each bank. By communicating his bank card number and/or his bank details in Labyrinth Paris, both by phone and on the site, the customer accepts in advance and undertaking that LABYRINTHE Paris proceeds to the secure transaction and authorizes his bank in advance to debit his Account in view of the records or statements sent by Labyrinth Paris, even in the absence of invoices signed by the hand of the holder of the bank card used.

The sales contract is concluded at a time when the customer's credit card is debited if this debit takes place before the shipment of the items (s) ordered. However, this does not apply to deposits and other early payments made by the customer when the flow is made up to the amount of the advance, at the agreed maturity.

6 - Deliveries

In the absence of an indication, our company delivers goods without unjustified delay and at the latest thirty days after the conclusion of the contract. Delivery is made to the address you indicated when placing the order. In the event of unavailability of the property or in the event of the seller's breach of his delivery obligation, the Customer can implement the provisions referred to in article L. 216-6 of the Consumer Code.

Any risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred to you when you even, or a third party other than the carrier proposed by our company and designated by you, physically takes possession of these goods, and this, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 216- 2 of the Consumer Code. It is recommended to refuse delivery if the package has been damaged, open or reconditioned and, failing that, register precise and detailed reserves on the delivery slip. We invite you to immediately check the contents of the package and contact us if a product is damaged or missing from the list of the preparation voucher.

It is recommended to reiterate your protests and reservations by registered mail to the carrier within three days of receipt, in order to allow the conservation of appeals against the latter (article L. 133-3 of the commercial code).

7 - Transport

Any risk of loss or damage to goods is transferred to you when you even, or a third party other than the carrier proposed by our company and appointed by you, physically takes possession of these goods (article 216-2 of the code of code the consumption). It is recommended to refuse delivery if the package has been damaged, open or reconditioned and, failing that, register precise and detailed reserves on the delivery slip. We invite you to immediately check the contents of the package and contact us if a product is damaged or missing from the list of the preparation voucher. It is recommended to reiterate your protests and reservations by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the carrier within three days of receipt, in order to allow the conservation of appeals against the latter (article L. 133-3 of the code Trade).

8-Contact and after-sales service

9 - Property transfer - Risk transfer

The transfer of ownership of LabyrinThe Paris products for the benefit of the customer will only intervene in full payment of their price.

The transfer of risks, on the other hand, will intervene on delivery, that is to say at the time of the delivery of Labyrinth Paris products to the customer or to the third party designated by him, to the delivery address indicated to Labyrinth Paris.

10 - Customer's right of withdrawal

Under the applicable law, consumers of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) have the right to retract or cancel certain purchases to obtain a refund.

No provision of these General Conditions of Distance Sale undermines the Customer's right to withdraw from their order without giving reason within fourteen (14) free days from the date of receipt of your Labyrinth Paris order to the customer or a third party that the customer will have appointed (other than the carrier).

10.1 Right of retraction:

You have the right to withdraw from this contract without giving a reason within fourteen days from the date of receipt of your order.

10.2 Retraction deadlines:

The withdrawal period expires fourteen days after the day you yourself, or:

- If it is a sales contract: a third party other than the carrier and designated by you physically take possession of the property.

- if it is a contract relating to several goods ordered by you by means of a single order and if these goods are delivered separately: a third party other than the carrier and designated by you physically take possession of the last good.

- if it is a contract on the delivery of a property in several lots or documents: a third party other than the carrier and appointed by you physically takes possession of the last lot or the last room.

10.3 Notification:

To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify by email to the following address:

Your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of a declaration devoid of ambiguity (for example, letter sent by post or email). For better follow-up, it is highly advised to use the form model below. For the withdrawal period to be respected, it is enough that you transmit your communication relating to the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiration of the withdrawal period.

10.4 Withdrawal effects:

In the event of withdrawal from your part of this contract, we will reimburse you all the payments received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs arising from the fact that you have chosen, if necessary, a mode delivery other than the less expensive standard delivery mode offered by us) without excessive delay and in any event, at the latest fourteen days from the day we are informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will refund using the same payment method as the one you have used for the initial transaction, unless you expressly agree with a different means; In any event, this reimbursement will not cause any fees for you. We can postpone the refund until we have received the property or until you have provided proof of shipping of the property, the date chosen being that of the first of these facts.

If you exercise your right of withdrawal for a distance sale made on the site, you must return the Labyrinth Paris product (s) in its original packaging, complete (s) (accessories, instructions, label etc.,) at the following address:


Customer service

2, rue des Erables

69578 Limonest cedex


By accompanying the returned product (s) of any useful information about your contact details and your order; Without excessive delay and, in any event, no later than fourteen days after you have given us your decision to withdraw from this contract. This period is deemed to be respected if you return it before the expiration of the fourteen day period.

10.5 costs:

You will have to cover the direct costs of returning the property as well as the customs of customs formalities in the event of maturity.

The return costs, deductible from the reimbursement amount, are as follows:

- € 10 from France
- 20 € from Europe

On the other hand, a turnkey return from the international is not unfortunately possible due to the difficulties of formality. We invite you to find a transport solution of your choice in your country to apply your right of retraction. Make sure that your items are returned to their original condition and packaging, unarmed, unused and not damaged and to return the Paris Labyrinth Product (s) in its/their original packaging (complete (complete ( s) (Accessories, notice, label etc.,) at the following address: Labyrinth Paris Customer Service - 2, rue des Erables - 69578 Limonest Cedex France

10.6 Responsibility:

Your responsibility is only engaged in regard to the depreciation of the property resulting from manipulations other than those necessary to establish the nature, the characteristics and the proper functioning of this property.

LABYRINTHE PARIS recommends that the customer take all the necessary precautions so that LABYRINTHE PARIS products are properly packed so that they are not damaged during their transport.

The ownership of the LabyrinThe Paris returned products will be transferred to Labyrinth Paris only when the Labyrinth Paris products will arrive at the destination of the returns of Labyrinth Paris and that Labyrinth Paris will have made their inspection. In order to benefit from a full reimbursement, Labyrinth Paris Returns products must be in new state, can only have been worn, tried or used to allow the customer to establish their nature, the characteristics or the proper functioning and must not have been damaged or damaged. Labyrinth Paris products worn, damaged, salt, striped or having undergone any other damage resulting from manipulations, or having undergone some transformation, will not be reimbursed.

Subject to the above, and unless expressly agreed by the Customer for another means of reimbursement, the reimbursement of the Labyrinth Paris returned product will be made using the original payment method without excessive delay and in any event within a maximum period Fourteen (14) days from the date on which Labyrinth Paris was informed of the withdrawal decision. Labyrinth Paris can delay the reimbursement until the effective recovery of the Labyrinth Paris product returned or the reception of the proof of shipment of the Labyrinth Paris product from the customer, the date chosen being that of the first of these facts.

In the event of a partial return of Labyrinth Paris products, only the price of LabyrinThe Paris returned products will be reimbursed by Labyrinth Paris.

Labyrinth Paris products returned damaged or deteriorated by the customer or returned without complying with the preceding provisions will not be reimbursed.

10.7 Retraction form:

Retraction form model (PDF or Word format in French, for the English version, please contact Labyrinth Paris-Customer Service by email: to be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract.

For the attention of Labyrinthe Paris - Customer Service - 2, rue des Erables - 69578 Limonest Cedex - France - Mail: :

I/We (*) notify you/Notify (*) by this MA/Our (*) Contract of the contract relating to the sale of the property (*)/For the provision of services (*) below: ordered ( *) /Receipted on (*): Name of the consumer (s): Address of the Consumer (s): Signature of the Consumer (s) (only in the event of notification of this form on paper) : Date: (*) Rare the useless mention.

10.8 exclusions:

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for the contracts referred to in article L221-28 of the Consumer Code.

- Supply of goods made according to consumer specifications or clearly personalized.

Labyrinth Paris products manufactured according to the customer or personalized specifications cannot be withdrawn from the customer.

- the provision of goods which have been unzore by the consumer after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.

Important: the right of withdrawal does not apply to purchases of earrings. The earrings or pierced earrings of Labyrinth Paris which have been opened, manipulated, unsealed, tried affected are neither taken up, nor exchanged for reasons of hygiene and health protection.

11 - Legal guarantees

Each creation Labyrinth Paris has been designed and manufactured in France with the greatest care and has been subject to rigorous controls, from manufacturing to sale, in order to offer you a high quality room.

Concerned about the sustainability of its creations, LABYRINTHE Paris offers you a commercial guarantee offer, which complements the legal guarantees referred to in article L.217-19 of the Consumer Code of the General Conditions of Sale, and the Commercial Guarantee Allows you to benefit from a repair service all the labyrinth Paris parts which would have undergone damage or deterioration after purchase.

This service will be offered to you for any complaint made within two years from the issuance of your order, which covers all of the repair, return and dismissal costs in the event of damage or deterioration of your room.

How does the legal warranty work?

● COVER: The legal warranty covers all the labyrinth Paris parts purchased worldwide, for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase.

● Supported costs: in the event of damage covered by the warranty, Labyrinth Paris covers all of the costs:
- Return costs: We provide you with a prepaid return label so that you can send us the defective part at no cost.
- Repair costs: repairing your part is completely free.
- Return costs: once the part is repaired, we send it back to you without additional expense.

● Conditions of care:

  • The play must have been acquired from Labyrinth Paris.
  • Damage should not result from obviously inappropriate or abusive use of the room.
  • Damage should not result from any accident or negligence.
  • The part must not have undergone any modification or repair through another service than that of Labyrinth Paris.
  • Finally, the consequences of the normal use and the aging of the part do not enter into the criteria for taking charge of our commercial guarantee.

Labyrinth Paris products offered for sale on the official website Complies with the regulations in force in France and have performance compatible with non -professional uses.

Labyrinth Paris products offered for sale on the site comply with the regulations in force in France and have performance compatible with non -professional uses.

Labyrinth Paris products offered for sale on the site benefit as of right and without additional payment, in accordance with legal provisions:

  • of the legal guarantee of compliance under the conditions defined in articles L. 217-3 and following of the Consumer Code,
  • of the legal guarantee against hidden defects under the conditions defined in articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code.

It is recalled that as part of the legal guarantee of compliance, the customer:

  • benefits from a period of two years from the issuance of the Labyrinth Paris product commanded to act against Labyrinth Paris;
  • Can choose between the repair or replacement of the Labyrinth Paris ordered product, provided that his choice does not lead to a obviously disproportionate cost with regard to the other modality, given the value of the product or the importance of the defect, In accordance with articles L. 217-9 and following of the consumer code;
  • is exempt from bringing proof of the lack of conformity of the Labyrinth Paris product during the twenty-four months following the delivery of the Labyrinth Paris product.

The legal compliance guarantee applies independently of the commercial guarantee that can cover the Labyrinth Paris product. The customer may decide to implement the guarantee against hidden defects of the Labyrinth Paris product under the conditions defined in articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code; In this case, he can choose between the resolution of the sale or a reduction in the sale price in accordance with article 1644 of the Civil Code.

For any implementation of the legal guarantee of compliance, the Customer is invited to contact Labyrinth Paris to the contact details appearing in article 8.

The refund will be made by credit on the customer's bank card used for their purchase.

Are excluded from the warranty the damage resulting from accidents or an unfit or abusive use of Labyrinth Paris products (such as shocks, falls or crushes), the consequences of normal wear and aging of Labyrinth Paris products and any modification Or damage to the Labyrinth Paris product resulting from all interventions, repairs or disassembly carried out in an unauthorized network.

In addition to the legal guarantees described above, Labyrinth Paris grants a commercial guarantee described here: guarantees. This guarantee is granted in addition to legal guarantees and does not exclude, restrict, limit or assign legal guarantees whose customer has vis-à-vis Labyrinth Paris in French law, as described above.

12-Commercial warranty and after-sales repair service

For articles which are not supported by the guarantee service (that is to say being implemented while the legal guarantees have expired), Labyrinth Paris also offers a repair service, at your expense.

In order to benefit from our repair service, please contact us by email at the following address: taking care to join the following elements:

● Proof of purchase 
● Reference of the part on which the repair is requested
● A description of the desired repair
● One or more photos of the room

Once these elements have been received, we will check with our workshop the repair feasibility as well as the deadline and then we will send you a quote made by our experts on the repairs to be carried out (including the shipping and return costs after repair), the cost and the estimated time.

If you validate the quote, we will send you a prepaid send label and the instructions to send us your room by email. We will return it to you once the repairs have been carried out. It is important to note that repair costs, shipping and return costs (and customs if they apply) will be your responsibility and must be made by bank transfer.

You have an extension of the 6 -month initial warranty for the repaired item.

It is specified that this commercial guarantee applies without prejudice to your right to benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity, under the conditions provided for in articles L217-3 and following of the Consumer Code, and that relating to hidden defects, under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code.

13 - Complaints - Information

For any information, complaint or question relating to these general conditions of distance selling or to Labyrinth Paris products themselves, the Customer can contact the customer relations service at the following address, by recalling their order number if necessary ::

14– Personal data protection

To find out more about LabyrinThe Paris in terms of personal data protection, you can consult the Personal Data Protection Policy of Labyrinth Paris accessible on the site to the address .

If Labyrinth Paris collects your phone number, you can register on the list of opposition to canvassing (on the site 

15 - force majeure

In the event of a case of force majeure, as defined in article 1218 of the civil code, resulting in temporary execution of execution for Labyrinth Paris, the obligations of Labyrinth Paris will be suspended and no responsibility will be incurred do. Labyrinth Paris will inform the customer of any case of force majeure within seven (7) days of his occurrence. In the event that this suspension continues beyond fifteen (15) days, the customer will have the possibility of terminating the current order and obtaining a refund under the conditions set out.

16 - Archiving and proof of the contract

The customer accepts that the exchanges between the parties are made by email.

The conservation on the computer systems of Labyrinth Paris of the order, the confirmation of the acceptance of the order and any exchange between the parties will be considered as evidence of the sales contract.

The computerized and kept registers kept in the computer systems of Labyrinth Paris and its partners will be considered as evidence of communications, orders and payments between the parties.

Customer relations at the following address:

17 - Intellectual property

The intellectual property rights attached to the Labyrinth Paris products sold on the site are and remain the exclusive property of Labyrinth Paris. All operating rights are exclusively reserved for it. Under these conditions, no one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, disseminate or use in any capacity, even partially, intellectual property rights, without the prior written agreement of Labyrinth Paris. The Labyrinth Paris brands and logos are registered trademarks. Any reproduction constitutes, consequently, a counterfeit.

18 - Integrality of the contract

The general conditions of distance sale, the order summary transmitted to the Customer and the electronic mail for confirmation of the order form a contractual set and constitute all of the contractual relations between the parties. They constitute the only contractual documents opposable to the parties, to the exclusion of any other document.


The fact for one of the parties not to take advantage of the other part of a breach of any of its obligations referred to in these general conditions of distance selling cannot be interpreted as a renunciation of rights of this part.

20 - Applicable law - Language - Disputes

These general conditions of distance selling are governed and subject to French law. They are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more other languages, only the French text is faith in the event of a dispute.

As part of a dispute occurring during an order of Labyrinth Paris products on the site. The customer is invited to contact customer service (see contact details in article 8). Otherwise, the Customer may, if wishes, use any alternative mode of dispute settlement and in particular a mediation procedure by contacting (within a maximum period of one year from the written complaint with customer service) The following mediator CMAP - 39, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris, France

- and/or by accessing the European online litigation resolution platform at the following address: which will try/attempt, in complete independence and impartiality, of achieve an amicable resolution of the dispute. The customer is free to accept or refuse the use of mediation and, if the parties decide to use mediation, each party is free to accept or refuse the solution proposed by the mediator. The Customer cannot submit his request to the mediator within a period of more than one year from his written complaint with customer service.

In the absence of an amicable solution or recourse to mediation, all the disputes to which the general conditions of distance selling could give rise to the competent courts in accordance with the rules of ordinary law.